Louie Giglio on God’s Galactic Glory at the DG 2011 National Conference

Louie Giglio spoke Friday night at the Desiring God 2011 National Conference with a message entitled, *The Galactic God Who Invites Us Into The Glorious Plan*. The great take-away from this message was that there is an expansive, transcendent God who has invited us insignificant, finite, tiny, weak people to help Him accomplish His plan. […]

A Short Book Review: One-to-One Bible Reading

A few months ago, I was given a stack of exciting books, most of which I’ve not touched in …well a few months. One of my friends had gone to the Gospel Coalition conference and tried to appease my jealous anger by giving me books. I suppose it worked. One such book that he gave […]

Three Takeaways from Studying Greek

Over this fall semester, I’ve been taking part in a Greek Reading Class, offered by Reformed Theological Seminary. We’ve been outlining, translating, and discussing Romans 1-7. It is by for one of the most challenging classes I have ever taken, and at the same time, one of the most rewarding. Here are the big things […]

This Momentary Exile

In our youth group, we’ve been going through 1 Peter, looking at how Peter addresses an audience of Christians who are experiencing persecution throughout an area that spans modern-day Turkey. As I have been reading and preparing the first few verses, one of the big points that I think Peter makes is that this life […]

Interpreting the Bible: Five Rules

The following is the second of a two-part a guest post by Alan Hicks. In my last post I presented a brief introductory history of hermeneutics from the Protestant Reformation. Now let’s look at some of those rules of interpretation. We instinctively use many of these same rules when we read other literature as well, […]