Three Thoughts from a Rookie Youth Pastor

These are three thoughts about all the reading I’m trying to get through as a rookie youth pastor. Reading is important. Reading is the primary way that I’m learning about the organizational “mechanics” of youth ministry as well as theology. Reading has been one of the primary catalysts for growth and change both personally as […]

Personal Productivity in the New Year

In the past, the topic of personal productivity has certainly been an interest of mine. I like to play with tools like Omnifocus or Things, or read about the GTD methodology. However, it seems that just because one enjoys learning about productivity does not mean that he or she is actually productive. This new year, […]

Three Takeaways from Studying Greek

Over this fall semester, I’ve been taking part in a Greek Reading Class, offered by Reformed Theological Seminary. We’ve been outlining, translating, and discussing Romans 1-7. It is by for one of the most challenging classes I have ever taken, and at the same time, one of the most rewarding. Here are the big things […]

Seminary Education on the Cheap

One the exciting privileges I have in life is to be able to go to seminary for formal pastoral education. I have been attending the DC campus of Reformed Theological Seminary for about four semesters now. And although I don’t believe that a seminary education is all it takes to be a pastor, it has […]

Do You Memorize Scripture?

Tim Challies recently posted a short article about Bible memorization. It is a helpful reminder that it is important not only to read the Bible, but to internalize it. Over the past few years, I have tried different methods like using 3×5 notecards and memorizing verses topically, or trying to memorize paragraphs at a time. […]