The Bible’s Altogether Unnatural Perspective on Life

As I read the Bible, I am constantly reminded of how divergent it is from my own perspective on life. For example, in James 1, Jesus’s brother (and self-described servant) opens his letter by saying, “Consider it all joy, my brothers…” Sounds good, right? I care about joy in my life. James, you have my attention. […]

The Grounding of the Gospel

Human ingenuity is an amazing thing. Just yesterday, I connected with at least ten people who are geographically dispersed and complete strangers to me. All with one search on a twitter directory website. Technology has made the world a smaller place. You can find people who share your same interests in a matter of seconds. […]

What is your Top Idea?

Paul Graham, a programmer and writer, has written an article about your “top idea.” He discusses the the concept of what he calls “ambient thinking” or those thoughts you have when you’re in the shower. Graham makes an interesting point that the idea that has dominance over your mind dictates the other types of thoughts […]

Quick Thoughts on Invictus

Over the past weekend, I watched the latest Clint Eastwood film, Invictus. In summary, it is the story of how Nelson Mandela unified the apartheid-torn nation of South Africa around the game of rugby. It is a very well-made movie, though the soundtrack had some of the strangest choices of music. But what interested me […]