Three Thoughts from a Rookie Youth Pastor

In no particular order, here are three thoughts about weakness and general incompetence from a rookie youth pastor. It’s good to know your weaknesses. As much as I hate being informed about what I’m not good at, it’s a really good thing to know my weaknesses. For example, it’s important that I know that I’m […]

What is “Gospel-Centrality?”

After attending the Desiring God National Conference, I’ve been mulling over the idea of “gospel-centrality.” The idea of being “gospel-centered” is very appealing. Surely every Christian should strive to have the historical, apostolic gospel at the center of his life. The question bouncing around my head has been, “what does that mean?” What does it […]

Brain Dump on Desiring God National Conference

This past weekend, I attended the Desiring God National Conference. For the uninitiated, the Desiring God website describes their mission as follows: Everything we do aims to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ. This conference gathered thousands of people under the […]

Youth Retreats and Chocolates

Do you remember when the movie, Forrest Gump came out? I was in the fifth grade. I remember seeing the movie, and not understanding most of the historical references. But for reasons I’m still not sure of, I remember that pseudo-sage saying that weaves its way throughout the movie: “Life is like a box of […]

This Momentary Exile

In our youth group, we’ve been going through 1 Peter, looking at how Peter addresses an audience of Christians who are experiencing persecution throughout an area that spans modern-day Turkey. As I have been reading and preparing the first few verses, one of the big points that I think Peter makes is that this life […]