Personal Productivity in the New Year

In the past, the topic of personal productivity has certainly been an interest of mine. I like to play with tools like Omnifocus or Things, or read about the GTD methodology. However, it seems that just because one enjoys learning about productivity does not mean that he or she is actually productive. This new year, […]

Brain Dump on Desiring God National Conference

This past weekend, I attended the Desiring God National Conference. For the uninitiated, the Desiring God website describes their mission as follows: Everything we do aims to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ. This conference gathered thousands of people under the […]

Thoughts for Friday Morning

The week is quickly coming to a close. Here are a few thoughts rolling around in my head. We’re going to camp next week! Our youth group is hosting a fall “kick-off-the-school-year” camp. There will be a trapeze, skateboarding, free-style rapping, a monkey, and many Chuck Norris references. It’s going to be a fun time. […]

Everything is a Project

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been slowly working my way through Scott Belsky’s Making Ideas Happen. Belsky and his team has done a great deal of research with individuals and teams that are both creative and yet also prolific, and has presented it in an easily digested format. So far, the book has been […]